I'm considering the D50 to replace my Canon S1 IS in a few years when I'm ready to upgrade. By then, it should be discounted even more from its already-low price, and I can get one with a standard lens and a good telephoto (for the faaaaar away lights). I wish it took CF cards, since I feel that they have more flexibility than smaller, SD cards, but you save enough with it that it isn't as big a deal.

What I'm considering, to keep it cheap, is to start out with a nice, wide-ranging telephoto, maybe something like a 70-300 or so. About half of my photos are lighthouse photos, so I need a lot of flexibility there, especially photographing far-away lights - that's why I got the 10x zoom S1. But I also want to be able to get pictures of lights that I'm up-close-and-personal with. I don't do portraits or anything, and I'm not actually that good at them, either - I prefer to do landscape photography.

I'm thinking that, if I save up, I can buy one in a few years. The problem is, I'm saving up for a lot of stuff in a few years - a camera, a transatlantic crossing on the QE2, and the most important, car insurance. So I might not get a new camera for a while. smile