This thread is getting lengthy but I thought I would put my two cents worth in.

Most of the enjoyment derived from HLs is being able to display and enjoy them. Fading will always be a distinct possibility. My suggestion is to do what I do, and that is to rotate the display. About every two weeks I remove all the HLs from the curios, clean the mirrored back and glass shelves, dust off each piece with a "blush brush", then replace them in either a different cabinet or different location in the same cabinet. I should note that the cabinets are not in direct sunlight during the middle of the day but do get some exposure when the sun first comes up.

Perhaps over time the colors might change a little but that's the price you pay if you want to enjoy the beauty of your collection. I have no desire to leave them in their boxes or to keep my blinds drawn when the suns out. They will be displayed for all to enjoy who enter my humble abode!

That's the word from the East Coast where it's still overcast and 36 degrees. ( )<><>{{