Rolling Right Along

Often we buy exoitc camera gear and then promptly forget what some of the capabilities of it are. My Nikon F5's get used a fair amount for photographing swans during takeoff and in flight and for that I normally set the camera up to be able to bang off 8 frames/sec (which is a 36 exposure roll in 4.5 sec if you're counting).
No reason why you can't do the same thing to catch a series of a wave breaking at a lighthouse. I shot a few such bursts last Friday at South Haven. The waves weren't consistently large so there were some bursts that well, just went directly to the rectangular file without passing GO! I did get a couple of sequences though that were worth sharing. Here's one of them.

All four images were scanned and cropped identically. The technoinfo was 1/1600th sec, 500 mm f4 lens at f 5.6 using Provia 400F professional slide film. The camera for this sequence was set at 4 frames/sec so these four images represent a 1 sec window in time as a wave slammed into the end of the pier there a week ago in South Haven.
