OK, got my slides back from the trip to California. Following are some of what I shot during my two visits to Point Bonita at the mouth of San Francisco bay. One of the visits was on Saturday during the normal hours when the light is open to the public, i.e. crawling with people most of the time. I'll scan some of those to post later. The second visit was arranged with Peter the docent to photograph at sunset last Friday. Shooting at sunset in California this time of year is always a guessing game as to whether the layer of fog that hangs out over the Pacific is going to allow you any sort of sunset worth photographing. As luck would have it, last Friday night Nepture was accomodating! This first shot was taken about 30 min after the sun had actually set and is a longish exposure. 60 sec at f22 on Fuji Velvia (iso 50) slide film.

Hope you enjoy these, more coming as the night progresses and I get more scans done!
