As I assemble my gear for a summer of lighhouse photography, I have been reviewing this BB for helpful equipment. Are there any serious omissions from this list? (Aside from a camera )
1. Rain gear, for man and machine.
2. Fine grain slide film, if preferred.
3. Tele and wide lenses for varying compositions. (It seems at a glance that expensive, "fast" lenses aren't really required, as most people seem to stop down their aperture and increase exposure time for increased color satuation)
4. Tripod and cable shutter release.
5.Brushes, blowers and lens paper (beware the sand!)
6. Not necessary, but I like an 18% gray card.
7. Spare batteries- always!
8. Filters:
a. Skylights to protect the lens.
b. Polarizers are handy for sky and
c. Graded ND for sunrise and sunset.

What else do folks find is a big help?