There will be something coming out next year for those of you who do not wish to shead their film addictions completely. Its called Silicon Film . Just place the reader cartridge where your film goes and screw in the base unit (like a power rewinder), turn it on and presto. Your SLR just became a DSLR.

I have been speaking with the Pres./CEO of the company. They bought the rights and equipment from the previous outfit that ran out of funding to bring it to market. They have improved it quite a bit. It was 1.3Mpxls. Now they will be offering a 4Mpxl, 10Mpxl, and (maybe) a special B&W version. The 4Mpxl version is sopposed to be priced at $600.

I have no connection with the company. I just found it on the internet, curiousity took over, and made a phone call.

For $600, I would pull my N70 out of the closet... or maybe my old Minolta SRT-202. An old manual gone digital! Yeah!

Lighthouse Joe