I would avoid Smart Media Card cameras, Smart Media is being phased out, I don't even know if they still make them, if they do it won't be for long. If your do get a Smart Media camera, stock up on cards now, part of their demise is because they can only go up to 128 mb
The stores in my area still sell the SM-cards. Maybe my brain is playing tricks on me, but I thought they offered a 256mb and a 512mb also.

My Olympus 4.0 megapixel uses the SM-card and I've had good luck with them. My Epson printer, CX-6400, accepts them directly into the machine and does a fine job printing photos.

I personally don't forsee SM-cards disappearing real soon. There are too many cameras and printers out there that use them. They may not be the cutting edge of technology now but they've worked well for me.

smile Bob smile