I bookmark this link a while back and just downloaded the slide show program a couple days ago. I have to say I am also very impressed with the ease and quality of the program. I had been looking for a slide show program to put on CD's so I could put together slide shows for family to show vacation pictures or the kids stuff. After about 10 minutes I had created a test CD that worked exactly like I wanted it to, on day 2 I tried a more extensive slide show with music, once again it came out just as I had hoped. I had downloaded 2 other slide show programs prior to this, fortunately they were also free trials also so they didn't cost me anything but they were "junked" long ago they were $50.00 and $80.00, this one is only $20.00 and works better and has more features. I am using pictures from my Kodak photo CD's which helps by having large clear scans to start with. But anyway I would rate this 5 stars and a heck of a bargain at $20.00

Thanks for the tip Terry!!
[This message has been edited by Mark Wagner (edited 06-16-2002).]