Bodie Island is government owned (Nat'l Park Service). When I've inquired of them in the past I've always received a response that the agency had no mechanism for accepting cash donations.

This situation is different in that the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society has setup a way to do so. The following is a partial quote my response from them:

"What a wonderful gesture to nominate BI for your fundraiser. The Outer Banks Lighthouse Society has its 501(c)3 in excellent order (do you need
the #?)and we are considered "a friend of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore and its lighthouses." We have established a Bodie Island fund and are taking donations upon permission from the park to help makeup the $12K NC state shortfall in the Save America's Treasures fund. Due to its being a matching grant situation with the feds, the shortfall totals $24K. Much progress has been made on the structural study, nomination to the NHR, and the process to get all stats completed by end of 2003 for restoration to begin early 2004. So, your donation would help us tremendously in this endeavor. Thank you for thinking of BI."

The abbreviation NHR means National Historic Register. Please note that every dollar we raise will actually 'count' for $2 since it's a matching grant situation.