Originally posted by Lighthouser:
Loon, I'm still in, but I like the ones that adhere to the rhythm, and especially like the ones that have a subject somewhat related to lighthouses.

When the rhythm is way off from one line to the next, it is kind of like a chalk screeching across a blackboard for me.

Then, there are also times when the last word makes it impossible to create a rhyme without inventing a word.

It would be nice if we could also get back to following the simple rules posted by the thread originator on page one.

All right...I do need ONE more cup of coffee this morning. smile

Judy, I totally agree with you. I wanted to, but haven't, fixed a prior line thats out wack. We should add to the rules that a prior line can be fixed without ticking anybody off.

I also think the topic should stay lighthouse related, or at least nautical.

If I've errored, you can let me know. laugh

Stan M
New Jersey Lighthouse Lovers
Harry Wishlist: Tinicum Rear Range, Miah Maull Shoal, Finns Point, Bergen Point, Cross Ledge, Old Ambrose Lightstation, Romer Shoal, Barnegat Lightship, Liberty Lightship.