I, like many others, try to use the dealers to get my new pieces but I have a good incentive. I am partners with another club member on a very low number auto ship. Also, this dealer ships to me no charge, and these days that is a real value in itself. This dealer is about an hours drive from me (I have lost 3 dealers and each one is a little farther away than the last) and at the price of gas today, its even an investment just to pick it up at the dealers store.

However, my partner is first in line for choice of pieces, and if my internet friend (and she knows who she is) can't find me a low numbered piece through her dealer network, I will buy a new piece as a last resort from Ebay.

I think each person needs to evaluate their own situation. I also believe what has been said by the others in this topic that we ourselves control
the market and support of the dealer network is ultimately the servival of the product. I really think this a quality product at a reasonable price and would not like to see it go away.

I am not all that concerned about the "value" of my collection because as my wife says when I use that excuse to buy an expensive piece, I won't be selling them anyway. I enjoy having something I can show to others and say "these look just like the real ones, I know, because I've been there". This usually leads to a conversation about lighthouses and maybe another supporter for preservation. So if you want to ensure your own access to a good product and help lighthouse preservation, support your dealer.

Thanks for reading the ravings of a collecter and keep the lights burning.