Tuesday February 3, 2004 - Governor Doyle Announces $800,000 Grant for Milwaukee High-Speed Ferry Service

MILWAUKEE - At a groundbreaking event at the Port of Milwaukee today, Governor Jim Doyle announced an $800,000 state Harbor Assistance Program (HAP) grant to support the Lake Express high-speed ferry service that will connect Milwaukee and Muskegon, Michigan when it begins
operating this coming summer.

"A key part of my 'Grow Wisconsin' Initiative is to make strategic investments in our transportation infrastructure in an effort to spur economic activity and create jobs," Governor Doyle said. "This ferry service will provide a tremendous boost to the tourism industry in Wisconsin and Michigan, connecting travelers to Milwaukee's wide variety of social and cultural activities with the many outdoor and other recreational opportunities along Michigan's western shoreline."

The HAP award to the City of Milwaukee will help complete site preparation work for the ferry terminal building and associated motor vehicle parking area. The award will also assist with the construction of passenger and auto ramps for the ferry service that is expected to begin
operation on June 1, 2004.

The planned catamaran-style ferry will be 192 feet long and 57 feet wide, and will be capable of transporting some 46 vehicles and 250 passengers. At a top speed of about 40 miles-per-hour, the modern vessel will be able to make a one-way voyage between the two cities in about two-and-a-half hours. Its expected service will run from May through December each year with up to three round trips daily.

Suzanne Murphy
President, Wisconsin Lighthouse District (WILD)