Dave: Thanks for missing me! It's nice to be back. Yep, we did it again.

Three years ago we went to China for two weeks and brought back a beautiful 9 month old baby girl. Time goes by so quickly, and she has just had her fourth birthday 03 Mar 00.

This was such a rewarding experience that we went back in January for another two weeks and another beautiful baby girl. This has, as you may expect, kept me very busy. There is so much to do: feedings at 3:00 am, preparing meals, explaining Santa Claus, keeping curious fingers out of the Harbour Lights cabinet, and so on.

So, while I may not have been active with lighthouses, I've been very active with two "lights of my life"!

--Chronically fatigued Bob

Bob Steinbrunn
Nautical Research Guild

Bob Steinbrunn
Nautical Research Guild