A lot of collectors lose interest. Don't feel you are in a small group. Just watch eBay and you'll see what I mean. Some collectors are literally giving their collections away for a fraction of what they paid.

My advice would be to keep your HL's as long as you can, then sell some to thin the collection. Don't give them away for pennies on the dollar. Hold out for a decent price. I noticed the minimum starting bids have increased a little on eBay. Sellers are getting smarter.

There is absolutely no need to buy every new offering if you can't justify your purchases. I buy all of them because I still have the expendable cash. When I retire, that will probably have to change a little.

Remember, if it makes you smile, do it! If you're sad and selling will make you sadder, don't do it.

As far as the new pieces, buy what you like and leave the rest. Maybe sell one or two older pieces and use that money to pay for a new one.

It all comes down to six of one and a half-dozen of another.

smile Bob smile