IDA LEWIS ROCK (LIME ROCK) LIGHTHOUSE, RI. Although originally named after its offshore rocky location, this lighthouse derives its fame from its ladykeeper, Idawalley (Ida) Zorada Lewis, whose father was assigned as keeper in 1854. Keeper Lewis had a stroke and his wife had to take over. Ida assisted her mother and eventually became keeper of the lighthouse. She handled the demanding keeper's chores and also managed over the years to rescue at least 18 persons from the cold, and sometimes treacherous, waters off Lime Rock. Unofficially the number of saved souls ran into the dozens.
As a result of her long service and lifesaving feats, President Grant personally met with her in 1875. In 1880 she was the first female recipient of the Carnegie Foundation's gold medal for heroism. In tribute to Ida Lewis her beacon remains lighted as a private aid mid-May to mid-October.