
I was able to talk to Kristin more than the others. She was stuck behind the Raffle Table 95% of the time so it was easier.

Diane, Bob and Mike were moving targets. I was passing them all day going in opposite directions most of the time.

We got to talk to Eskilady and Beaconflower before and after the Cruise and I did get a chance to say Hello to Gerri Devito before the Cruise- and say her wandering around later looking for the person who took the picture she one to sign it.

I spent most of my time with Esther and Donna. We ahd a great time tlking Lighthouses, forums and Ebay- and every once in awhile we let poor Esther get a word in edgewise. laugh

Great time was had by all that I could see. Full report coming later- picture problems.
