Hello all,

I wrote the final check for the oil house restoration today, so I guess it's official. It looks great (like a big doofus, I forgot to take my camera on the history walk on Saturday, so I don't have any photos yet).

Thanks are owed to a bunch of people for continued support of the Cedar Island Light, but a HUGE thank you goes to Dennis Whelan for his help with this part of the project (I told you it'd get done, didn't I? smile ).

It was about five years ago that Bob Scroope, Mike Seewald and I met in this forum and decided to do something about the Cedar Island Light. Some people told us that nothing could be done about it, but I think that just added to the determination (we were told that about Plum Island, too, and I received a call from them this week - more on that soon). You have to love the power of the internet.