Seagirt, the problem is I haven't stopped lighthousing for months now not that I don't want to go lighthousing in the winter. I cannot remember the last time I spent a weekend at home. And now my body is catching up with me big time! For the past two weeks I've felt like a zombie! I'm barely able to stay awake at work (and that just doesn't look good) and at home forget it, I'm out by 8pm most nights and that is after at least an hour nap. I made it though the regional last weekend thanks to a couple of friends - sugar filled jelly beans and caffeine filled sodas. A couple of days this week I almost fell asleep while driving home (at 3pm) and this afternoon I fell asleep at my computer. So, I'm at a point where I've realized I need to stay home and rest up a little more between trips. I say this now as I'm dead tired. Let's hope I learn from this and don't go nuts with trips once I'm feeling better again.
