Benefitting Desert Lightkeepers after the Regional?

Not directly. As noted in the thread title, this is a 'blatant commercial project'. However my donations to the Desert Lightkeepers above and beyond dues will continue.

Individual lighthouse giftshops ("Why did John want to know which lighthouses have giftshops?") will also benefit by being able to buy multiple sheets of stickers of 'their' lighthouse at wholesale and sell them to visitors at a profit.

The stickers are 2x2" in size and some lighthouses may find turning these into fridge magnets or keychains, or bookmarks can increase the profit.

I'm bringing some 'stickers-turned-fridge-magnets' to the regional. The cost of the magnet material, sticky on one side was $11 for a 2' x 1' piece at Michaels. That should be able to make 72 magets at under 16 cents each + the sticker and protective spray coating.