As a committee member I did want to give my opinion.
A lot of good ideas here.
I have been switching back and forth myself on this decision.
Do we sell chances or do we sell the lighthouses?

But after the smoke has all settled and I have heard the different opinions, this is what I feel is the way we should go.

First of all it is not fair to all of those that have donated to the first drawing not to have a chance at the KIM. Many have donated with hopes of winning the top prizes and we should not take that hope away from them.

Second; I think we should have a second drawing with a guarantee that the four prizes that were not won in the first drawing will be the prizes offered at the $600 mark.

Third; let’s go around the table again and come up with some prizes for the higher levels with $1200 or even $1400 as the cap.
I am prepared to put another collectable in drawing and I am sure we can find some others to sweeten up the pot.

Fourth; use the webpage that Roland has already made, but put some small edits to it for a second drawing, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Now it is Roland that is stuck with all the work, so I respectfully support his final decision.