The Postal Commerative society does First Day issues on new stamps from the Postal Service. The envelopes contains the stamp, a post mark from a place of importance to the stamp, and an original pictorial representation of the stamp. In addition to First Day Issues the society also packages stamps with a similar content subject. As an example I have received all of the state stamps, stamps issued for the World Wildlife Fund, block sets, among others. The stamps usually come with some sort of narrative describing the content of the stamp, and something on the design and designer. They usually give you a custom binder to put the series in. The cost of these is always higher than just getting the stamps at the post office, but what you are buying is the presentation.

I have ordered the lighthouse series for two reasons. First I will have all of the lighthouse stamps in a binder with a narrative about each. Secondly this collection is not limited to only United States stamps, but contains international stamps that are not avaialble through the Postal Service. I think your decision to buy should be based on if you want the stamps well presented, and in a binder. The collection will cost a little more than you may think it is worth, but if you are a stamp collector it is a nice way to present them, and it is easy to store and find.