As you have probably noticed, I delayed starting new post card exchanges for a bit. At this point we are just about complete with the two open exchanges, so I have decided to start new ones.

This exchange is for CARDS IN ENVELOPE - new, unused and sent to participants in an envelope. Hopefully with your card you will include a write up as to why the light you chose is important to you, or maybe a lighthousing story about visiting the light.

We will take up to 25 participants, plus the three courtesy cards we send (the Youngers, Connie Small and John Gaskill). You will need 28 cards for this exchange, presuming you keep one for yourself.

If you have not been in an exchange that I have been in during the past year, you will need to email me your mailing address. If you have, I will have it unless you have moved. I will send out a tentative mailing list for everyone to proof before we start. We will begin the exchange as soon as the mailing list is finalized. You will have until May 31st to mail your entry.

Next person to sign up is #2......