Small world! I'm just glad we didn't choose the same postcards! I live about an hour and a half from Mystic but I don't get down there very often.
Stonington Light is cute, but I've never visited the museum. Did you notice that the house next door was painted black? There has been controversy there because the homeowners want to renovate but the town zoing board won't allow it because of the house's proximity to the lighthouse. The homeowners painted their house black as a form of protest.
Actually lighthouses have been in the news quite a bit lately here in CT. One of the local tv stations sent a reporter and a couple paranormal experts out to New London Ledge for a night to determine if the lighthouse is indeed haunted. I didn't get to see the story since it was on at 5 and I was still at work (at another local tv station in fact) and my employers frown on watching the competition during work hours (go figure).

Anyway, glad you enjoyed your trip.