OK fans, here is the newest round of post card exchanges. This exchange will be limited to 25 players plus the Youngers (HL) plus Connie Small. That means you will need a total of 27 cards if you want to keep one for yourself. Cards are to be mailed inside an envelope so that they remain "pristine". Feel free to include other goodies, pictures, and especially a write up about the light you chose and perhaps why it is special to you.

For other general guidelines or information about the exchanges, you can see this thread .

If you have not participated in an exchange with me, or if you have a new address please email me with your screen name as well as your good old snail mail address.

Several folks have indicated they are going to be traveling, but wanted to be included in this exchange. Thus, we have the following participants:

2. Joanie O
3. Linda Ann
4. Larry

The next person will be participant #5.


[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 06-17-2002).]