Old Baileys Harbor lantern room is an example of the rare "bird cage" design. It is one of only three surviving on the Great Lakes today. Bird Cage lantern rooms were used prior to the use of Fresnel lenses. An Argand lamp with a reflector was the usual source for bird cage style lantern rooms.

Sadly, Old Baileys Harbor is privately owned and restoration plans are unknown. So far not much has been done. The house and tower are in excellent condition, but the upper portion of the light has deteriorated and is not in very good shape.

The Upper and Lower Range lights are in a beautiful nature preserve with numerous varieties of wildflowers and birds to see. In 1936 there were plans to tear down the range lights and put in a trailer park. Luckily these plans were overruled.


[This message has been edited by Suzanne Murphy (edited 03-06-2001).]

Suzanne Murphy
President, Wisconsin Lighthouse District (WILD)