0500 hrs, cannot see my company car, except for the roof. Snow is over the fenders and halfway up the windows. Approximately 2 feet of snow on the ground with drifts over 4 feet. A silent prayer is said to "Our Lady of Ariens Snowblowers" for strength to get through.

0630 hrs, car has been cleared off and ready to go. Extreme whiteout conditions prevail. You just can't see. Forward speed is about 15 mph. I know there is an intersection there somewhere but really can't see it except for the overhead traffic signal. Suddenly, snow is coming over the hood. Who put that 4-foot drift there. Half speed astern! I can see the hood again. That is well.

0700 hrs, made it on time. Entrance to the rear company street was drifted over but made it through with snow up to the fenders. Not bad for a 2-wheel rear-drive car.

Surprise, no heat at the barracks! Burner repair en route with an eta of 2 1/2 hours. Such is life. I like it cool anyways.

What would Walter Winchell do? What about the ships at sea?

confused Bob confused