If you look carefully at what is going on on Ebay, you would find that the total quanity of Harbour Lights listed is not anything to get excited about. I did a little checking and found that of 399 items listed, 203 of them are listed by only 4 Sellers!! Another 82 are from 6 additional sellers. Very few of these are not current pieces. Also included in that total are the Mark Sherman prints, the event pins, tote bags, calendars, etc. Many of these "major" sellers are simply re-listing the same pieces over and over. A good example is a La Coruna piece that has been listed 8 times since Oct 9, always at $75. ( Only 4 of this pieces have sold since mid-September ,2 at $47, 1 at $52.95 and 1 at $61 ) $75 is just not going to move! So, many of the pieces you see listed are the same pieces as were last month and the month before. (And buyers were not interested then, nor will they be now, so expect to see them again and again.