I just finished reading some of the above posts and there is lots of good info being exchanged.

The CF is made up of a great core group of Harbour Light collectors. I don't know exactly how many one-of-everything autoships we still have left in the group but there are many. Then we have the ever faithful collectors who spend their share on HL's.

This basic bulletin board affords Don an opportunity to communicate with current and potential customers to sample their feelings about the products his company will produce. We must never lose sight of the fact that Don's company needs to make a profit to stay in the HL business.

Will retail pricing go up? It could.

Will the number of new releases increase or decrease? Time will tell as adjustments are made in the transition from the Youngers to Don.

If Don strays from "business as usual" will it have an adverse effect on consumer sales? Maybe yes, maybe no. It all depends how the "smile factor" goes. Keep us smiling, and we'll keep on buying!

I notice there isn't a heck of alot being mentioned about Kim's part in this transition from the Youngers to Don. This is somewhat of a conspicuous absence to say the least. If Kim is leaving, I will miss her. I missed Maureen when she left and had hoped she would return, but she never did. Is this the path Kim will travel?

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes: