The mini is provided to each participant as part of their registration. There are only 400 of these "in the system". The full size piece is an optional, additional purchase by participants. Each participant could order 2. Some ordered 2, but there are also those that ordered only 1 (or in some cases, none) of the larger piece.

So, there may well be Reunion participants who registered two people and have 2 minis but chose to order only 1 full size piece. They may be willing to part with one of their minis and maybe the thumbnails. At the same time, there may also be a single registrant who ordered an extra full size piece to sell, but is not willing to give up the 1 mini they do have. So, the potential exists to obtain both the pieces, but not with matching numbers.

Don't dump on a person because they chose to test the waters. Someone has to be the first. It isn't out of line to expect that some will sell their extras to help recoup some of the funds they spent on attending the Reunion. The only way to try to establish a value is to post one for sale and see where it leads. People who did not attend the Reunion and want the piece will have to decide what they are willing to pay, and those that have pieces they are willing to sell will have to decide what they would accept for the piece. That's the nature of the business.