Since we are still talking about Fresnel Lenses, I was just browsing through eBay and took special notice of three Fresnel Lenses being auctioned by "b.r.harding" of Chesterfield, Virginia. "B.R." has one bid of $135 (reserve met) on one of them, $90 (reserve not met) on another, and $99 (reserve not met) on even another. I guess the bidders don't know about the ones still available at retail at some HL Dealers.

Kind of makes you wonder how many Fresnels "B.R." might have. Do you think he might have a friend who is a dealer? Do you think he may have hustled around to his area dealers to buy them up at retail before anyone else? If he averages a nice $50 profit on each he is doing fairly well on something that is fairly new to the market.

That's the word from the East Coast where the temperature has risen to just above freezing today. It made me feel like putting on my shorts and Hawaiian shirt to enjoy a tropical cocktail on my deck.

Happy New Year!
