Joe, all of what you say is well and good for you (you save money), but these people (dealers) signed a contract in good faith with Harbour Lights not to do this "dumping". What ever happened to keeping one's word?

The people that it hurts the most are the dealers that keep their word and their contract with Harbour Lights.

Bargains always have a cost and I feel very strongly (as most of the long time forum readers know) that the cost is a loss of integrity on these dealers’ parts (dumping dealers) and that is a very expensive cost IMHO.


It is very easy for a person to tell….. a collector selling a Harbour Lights lighthouse at below retail…. from a dealer dumping Harbour Lights on eBay... buy from the collector. A person can still get the lighthouse at a good price and yet a person isn't supporting these dealers dumping. There are a lot of collectors that may need to sell their lighthouses… I would encourage buying from them (you probably will get a better cared for lighthouse to boot).

Paul L Brady

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!