Irish22, please don't think I'm mad at you, quite the opposite. If I have to admitt to being mad at anyone it would be the money-loaded people that pay the outrageous price for a lighthouse such as yours, but complain when they have to pay $5.00 per person to climb a lighthouse. Honestly, I would probably have sold your lighthouse also - I don't really think it's that nice to look at (I hate the color gold - I'm a silver/white gold lover). I like the normal colored HL's - they look more like the real thing. Don't get me wrong - if I won a gold one, I would probably keep it for a while, until I either got tired of looking at it or needed the money like your sister. Though I'm probably like everyone else - I would either buy more, normal colored HL's or use it at a Lighthouse or two. smile

I just think that it's crazy that there are people that will pay over a thousand dollars for an item that was original given as a gift to someone. In this world you've got to make money where you can - if someone is willing to give you $4,000 for an item that you didn't pay anything for - damn, that's excellant! Too bad your sister didn't win two of them! :p Family though is one of the most important things in life. I hope your sister is grateful that you decided to help her. And just think, you met a bunch of new friends in the process. laugh

Honestly, I wish there was more I could do for the Lighthouses, not only here in Florida, but here in the US. But my being part of the Florida Lighthouse Association and helping other Lighthouses is also a bit selfish - I enjoy visiting each and every Lighthouse and this way I get to do that. I usually donate extra money when I pay for the Lighthouse fee, I also try to purchase the HL of that Lighthouse there if I don't already have it. I also buy a bunch of postcards and other gifts because I know that the profits go directly to either the Lighthouse or the people that help run the Lighthouse. I not only get satisfaction by having the "gifts", but also knowing that it's going to a good cause. wink

There are many people I envy here. But I respect each and every member here, and everyone that isn't a member, that either takes time out to help, donates money to, or just drives down the coast to visit a Lighthouse. Every little bit helps to save a lighthouse, even just getting other people interested in Lighthouses helps - you never know who you may light the spark in - it may just be someone important. smile

Also, don't worry about causing an agrument, I think we live for things like this. It just helps show each of us that we are all individuals with our own personalities and opinions. We may have a common interest and love - Lighthouses, but we are still our own person. We have a good rapport with each other because we try to respect each other no matter what each of us thinks, we are still moving toward the same goal (well, most of us are) and that is saving Lighthouses for the future generations. This is a great site, the best that I found, to exchange information about lighthouses. Really, don't ever be afraid to ask a question, post an answer, or express an opinion - Be yourself! smile
