I think the person who emailed you was confused, there were only 22 Southeast Block Island Gold Lighthouses produced.. They probably confused it with the amount of the Golden Gate Bridge or the St.Clair Event piece that year..

The reason I know other than hearing it directly from Bill is that one of them was damaged when being readied to be shipped to a Regional and they had to have another one produced as a replacement, they had no extras.. If they had produced 250 that wouldn't have been a problem..

The Southeast Block Gold Lighthouses were only produced for the NELL Event and the four Regionals.. Whoever sent you the email was in error.. Trust me I know this for a fact, but if it makes you feel any better I will check with Harry the next time I talk to him.

By the way Dave Dutcher won two at the San Diego regional which caused Harbour Lights to change the rules for Regional pieces the next Regional..

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!