This is for all of you that are seeking artists proofs. I was in Rome Georgia on a business trip last week, and as with any obidient Harbour Lights collector, I looked up the local dealers to check them out. One I stopped in, Collectibles, didn't really have anything that lit my fire, but as I was standing looking, the shop owner approached me, and we started talking Harbour Lights. He told me he had several A.P.'s that he had for sale if I was interested. While I have a couple A.P.'s, I don't really collect them, but he does have a pretty rare one. He has the Old Field Point Christmas piece with the pewter tree, instead of the pine tree. Pretty cool I have to say. If your interested in seeing what he has in A.P.'s, go to his web site and check them out. There on the link for Harbour Lights under Secondary lights.
