Hawaii (close to no one else) and Arizona (who needs more summer sun?) do not observe DST. Phenix City AL didn't use to because they were across the river from Columbus GA (Fort Benning) and closely tied to its business.

Personnally, I think DST is a hugh waste of resources. People in open America (farms, small towns, etc.) relate closer to sunrise and sunset than city evening events. Its a business thing. Come home from work at 5, see that there's 4 hours of daylight left, go to the amusement park or someother outside business. If you live in the South however, it's an extra hour of heat before you can go sit on the porch and enjoy the night, something few people do any more.

Try this: kill DST, move your 9AM activities to 8AM and 5PM to 4PM; forget the TV schedule, use TIVO or DVR, but there's nothing on anyway; go to bed earlier, get up earlier. We did this before 1966 (DST start) and people were saner, committed fewer crimes, had longer marriages, the drop out rate was lower, greenhouse gases were lower, and there was no rap music. wink

Bob, just plain Bob