Has anyone else received this, which I will "copy" here as it appears on my webtv screen? I use a webtv, not a computer, and therefore can't get a virus. But I think a webtv can pass a virus on through a forwarded message.

I emailed Lamar to warn him first, and then sent him the email I had gotten, as he is an expert in detecting viruses. He has replied and said that this is a virus. Here are his words: "Yes, it is a virus. It just says it is from 'webmaster', NOT HL's (or anyone else's) webmaster."

Here is the suspicious email that I received as it appears on my screen:

From: webmaster@HarbourLights.com (webmaster)
Date: Mon, May 12, 2003 1:38 PM
To: -- my address appeared here
Subject: little popup remover

"I sent this program (Sparky) from anonymous places on the net."

attachment symbol here and then "Faith872.com (octet-stream attachment)"


I hope this helps someone avert getting a virus if they receive this same message, as it sure looked legit with the Harbour Lights wording.

John, I am saving this virus-infected email for now in my webtv memory, in case you would like me to send it to you to investigate it, seeing as how someone is using the Harbour Lights corporate name here. Let me know.

If anyone else has received this same email, post about it here to determine if somebody out there is getting hold of our forum addresses somehow. Hope this helps someone.

