All the fellow participants at the Collector's Forms (CF) are very pleased that the number of registered users at the CF has reached 550. We seem to add a few additional people each week. Many of these folks have been reading the posts at the CF for months but just never got around to registering until now.

If you have been surfing through this site you must realize that there is a wealth of information within. The best part is that it's all free! How can you go wrong by registering here.

Where can you go to post Harbour Lights lighthouses for sale or trade for free? AOL Bulletin Board? I don't think so...the AOL Police took care of that one. You visit the MARKETPLACE on the CF. Your post is charge whatsoever! This is just another service provided to you by our friends at

So instead of just visiting and reading the valuable information and all the fun stuff here at the CF, register and let us hear from you! We're friendly, we're fun, and best of all we're free!

Your thread moderator,
