Hello everyone,
I have really enjoyed finding this forum for fellow collectors...I stumbled across it digging through the HL website as I drooled over the lights.I started collecting 2 years ago when I bought my mom Cape Henry,which is here in Va Beach and that was it...Hillsboro and Cape Florida were my first lights and the race was on.Its wonderful to know there are so many others out there that share the same passion as me.Some of you know me from a couple of post I put about the surprise gift and Wishing for Cape Charles..I havent recieved my Navesink yet but am ooking foward to it.I think its a fabulous and generous gift and will always love displaying it.I got to meet Bill this summer at a local signing here and was able to get a few lights signed,including my fav,Ocracoke..I own a cabinet shop and just built my first curio which actually turned out great for not having any plans and just "winging it"..Somehow I see more in the future.Of all the hobbies I have had,this is the one I enjoy the most and its even better when I found this forum.I just recently bought 5 lights and just want more.Ponce or Hilton Head are in the near future..I look foward to getting to know everyone here and looking foward to spending mucho moola.So hello to all..