Welcome! If you are reading this there is a good chance you are new to the Forum. On behalf of the Harbour Lights (HL) Family, I extend a sincere welcome and hope you visit often. Movement within the Forum is extremely simple. "Try it..you'll like it!"

Whether you are a serious collector or just purchased your first HL, you can find volumes of information within this Forum and especially on the Harbour Lights Web Site. Sit back and start pressing those keys! You will be pleased with what you find.

Don't ever forget that the most important thing in this Forum is YOU! It's people like YOU that compose this group that frequents this site two and three times daily. They are share a common bond that can take them to a place where they can sit back and relax while learning more about their favorite hobby (more like a way of life), collecting Harbour Lights.

Well you made it this far! You've started at the top of the page and now it's time to start scrolling down and viewing the rest of the posts. It's factual (well sometimes), it's fun (all the time), and best of all it's free!

Best advice I could give you at this point is "ask questions". You will be pleasantly surprised on how quickly you will find an answer.

That's it for now!