Got home today and found a box from HL on my doorstep. I thought it was a little fast for the membership package and to my surprise it was the HL "appreciation" lighthouse for the certificate that I received in my Big Sable HL. Upon opening it I found a very nice little note along with a #209 Cape Florida HL.

I just want to say thank you to Younger & Associates and Harbour Lights for a nice gift and a good thought. It's little surprises like this that make collecting HL more enjoyable than any of the other collectables. And although I already have a Cape Florida I have decided that it's time to give another member of my family a nice surprise by giving them one of my favorite lighthouses. If I chose my younger sister it will probably mean another "hooked wacko" that will jump into HL collecting. Thanks again Harbour Lights for the gift and I do appreciate it very much and I hope that you continue to keep up the fun in HL collecting and the nice little surprises.