Actually, 2010 would be their 20th year of existence, in 2011 they will celebrate their 20th anniversary.

Since HL has yet to finalize a regional event for 2009, I would expect the earliest you might see a reunion is 2011 and they had better be starting to plan it fairly soon.

The previous reunions have normally been announced around 14 months out, with registration starting about 11 - 12 months out.

Attendance at the Mackinac reunion was right at 400. There were about 520 each of the full sized Waugoshance and the Cheboygan Crib Light produced. Those that chose to purchase them could purchase two per attendee. I was able to get Kim to agree to match the Crib light number to their mini, full size and Mark Sherman print number (another first).

Randy is correct in that the Mackinac reunion had to be the first reunion to fully fund / support itself.