There are two approaches for Harbour Lights to go.
Pick the most interesting and exciting place or pick an area were the collectors are. Not saying places in the mid-Atlantic to Charleston is not exciting but most of us have been there and frankly I don’t think there is a place on the whole east coast as interesting and beautiful as Oregon or Washington State. But using the forum as a reference the majority is on the east coast and great lakes area. And a place near the mason Dixon line would be the most convenient and cost effective for the majority to travel. If Harbour Lights picks this fantastic place that is 2,000 to 3,000 miles from the majority I would think that the turnout would be lower.

If HL is trying to get a big turnout maybe Harbour Lights need to consider a more universally centralized location for the many. If Harbour Lights wants a place that is different and individual cost is not the main concern then the North West coastline would be the best choice.

I have given up in fighting for a reunion for the South. It just not going to happen.
Maybe you can give us Southerns a nice big fat regional in Charleston.
If not that’s okay too, I am thinking of switching my collecting to Sea Shells and Florida License plates.