I totally agree. I get five weeks vacation and 14 paid holidays plus personal days every year
And I use every one of these days to get out and travel. There is so much world to see - lighthouses and beyond that I can never get enough! We are doing the Boon Island trip. Then in april we are off on a ten day cruise to the southern carribean - I have all the lights on each island earmarked. May I have a sunset cruise to see lights off Long Island. June is NELL weekend and Tidewater trip. Nothing yet in July. August is a trip to Plumb Island and September we are off to Ireland for two weeks. October is Avery Point relighting and I am sure NELL will be having a fall event in there somewhere. As you can probably tell I like to be on the move whenever possible. Even after all that I will still be left with several weeks vacation to fill. Gives me something else to plan!
Hilari smile