Diane and I drove over to Cumming, GA for the event at Parsons. The event was advertized as being from 4:00 to 6:00. We got there around 2:30. The event was actually from 3:00 to 6:00 so we were still early. When Bill found out that someone was there with HLs to sign, he came out and started the event early. He is really a nice guy. I brought the HLs we were getting signed into the store while Diane unpacked them. Each time she unpacked one she would say "Oh, this is my favorite one". Finally Bill asked which one was her favorite. Diane told him Split Rock. Bill then asked her "Does this mean that all those other favorites aren't any more?" Diane is like me - her favorite piece is the one she is looking at.

We have been to one other signing. The area where it was held was not very big so you had to go in, get your HLs signed, and then get out of the way of other collectors. This signing was is a large open area, so we were able to hang around for about an hour and a half. It was very intersting and a lot of fun to hear Bill tell about the history of different lighthouses as he signed the HL replica. He also had tips on how to take care your collection. I can see how the events can become addictive also. We had a great time.

For those of you in the Cumming area, Parsons is a great place to shop for HLs and for other collectibles. There is also a collectors club just starting in the area that appears to be getting off to a great start. We met several people who belong to the club. It would be a great place to meet other HL collectors as well some really nice people. (Have you ever met a Harbour Lights collector who wasn't really nice? I haven't)

See you at Rosemont.

AB in Ala-Bam

[This message has been edited by AlanBeckman (edited 04-18-99).]