Wow, you are reading too far into this....

Bug Spray would be of no use out on the open water if it wasn't water proof. It would wash off as soon as a big wave splashes against the boat and made you wet.

The hint was the "Bug" part....

So with that said, backing up a little, you are right, there are two (2) lights in MASS that are referred to as the "Bug Light" by locals. (or is there possibly three....)

Breaking it down further, the "gone but not forgotten" Narrows light, also referred to as the Bug Light, mentioned by LOON's post is an excellent choice, however with it being a screwpile type light, HL would not be able to make this light between the price range of $40-70 as seen in previous years Store Event pieces, due to the intricate metalwork. Just look at how much the other HL screwpile replicas like Thomas Point, Drum Point, Hooper Strait, Half Moon Reef, Roanoke River, etc. retailed for when they were released.

Just remember, no where in this post or other post did I actually say what lighthouse the Store Event piece actually is...... wink
