Yes; I agree that for next year that if there is no intention of having a Regional, a regional piece should not be made.

I heard that a regional was initially planned for this year.
But I think what happened was that being it takes about a year of planning before the lighthouse can be shipped, that when the time came around HL had the piece made but not the financial incentive to have the regional. Lets face it. All companies this year started buckling their belts and cutting back.

It is kind of like planning the family vacation. Some plans are started way in advance but when the time comes around things happen and it is not financially feasible to go.

But for next year I would consider it an insult if HL made a regional LE and did not have an event. Maybe that’s why we were informed that HL would be making two less lighthouses next year. Maybe they are the regional and store event?

Space Cadet