Derby City Lights is Happy to announce --

"A Day with Lighthouses", featuring Bill Younger from Harbour Lights and Jim Mahanes, Lighthouse Artist and Paul Brady, HL Saint.
* Bill will be speaking at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. about the importance of lighthouse preservation.
* Following Bill will be Paul Brady presenting his great photo documentary on Southeast Block Lighthouse.
* Jim Mahanes will then give a presentation on the process he goes through in choosing the right lighthouse to paint.
This wonderful walk through art and lecture will occur from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., March 2, 2002. There will be 25 lighthouse paintings by Jim and the related HL sculptures on display. Light refreshments will be served.
So come join us for a day of Lighthouse Art and Information.

Location is:
The Spring Street Meeting House
204 South Spring Street
Louisville, KY

I64 to Grinstead Drive. Take Grinstead Drive to Lexington Road. Turn Right (West) onto Lexington and follow that road for approximately 1-2 miles. Turn right onto Spring Street. The meeting house is in the second block on the left. Parking is available on the street.

For any additional information please contact Pat Palmer-Ball (502) 491-1563 (