Welcome to the Forums, Kevin...

Regional Events are a few hours of fun with fellow Harbour Lights collectors and with Bill Younger, CEO.

Bill is one of the genuine "Good Guys" and brings lots of information and fun to events.

He'll sign Harbour Lights for you and there will be a number of Lighthouse related groups with small table displays. This includes Harbour Lights collector clubs and others.

It's a good chance to meet fellow collectors -- and you're in that important stage of your collecting that you need to know there are a bunch of other people out there just as 'Wacko' as you are about collecting Harbour Lights.

No charge. But Call Harbour Lights at 800-365-1219 and let them know how many will be coming in your group. The official time is about 2 hours. But sometimes collectors will get together afterwards for drinks and/or a dinner nearby.

If this year's Regionals are like last year's, there will also be some games to play and chances to win lighthouses based on simple games of skill.

There is a unique Regional 'Event Exclusive' for 2002 - Fort Tompkins NY Shown in it's Spring finery. Other regionals will have the same lighthouse, but the sculpture will be shown in different seasons.

Your local dealer may have this piece for you -- it will NOT be for sale at the actual event.

I'd encourage you to go! AND to introduce yourself to other collectors -- especially the ones wearing "Harbour Lights Wacko" lanyards with unique name badges that feature a photo of Southeast Block Island RI.

[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 04-01-2002).]