The wacko pins are being shipped out to you now. Those going to Rosemont will have them in time to wear. I will be wearing my pin to the Milwaukee HL Regional on Sunday, July 16.

I am interested to know who will be coming to Milwaukee from the wacko group? How many pins will be on display? Will you be there?

Who will be in Milwaukee on Saturday? WIll you be going to see the local lighthouse or Wind Point down in Racine? It would be fun if wackos could get together somewhere for dinner on Saturday evening also. What do you think? I am anxiously waiting for HL to put out the specific details - where (address), time, any pre-registration, etc. Has anyone seen this?

If you are looking for something unique to do that Saturday, there will be dozens of bright, colorful and gilded antique circus wagons on display down at the Milwaukee lakefront, in preparation for the Sunday parade (second largest now in U.S.) which are pulled by over 700 horses and other animals. An annual July event.

Please post --- who will be in Beer City on the 15 and 16th?

