On June 25, 2000, Carmen Slice, died in an apartment fire in West Columbia SC. She was the fiancée of Mark Lutton (known as Digitalman on our Forums). As Mark and Carmen returned to his apartment on this day, they noticed a small fire on the balcony of another apartment.

Mark went to get a fire extinguisher from his apartment and 30 seconds later, Carmen also went to the apartment to find a second fire extinguisher. But after entering the apartment she was trapped by the fire, which was much bigger than it first appeared and had worked its way into several apartments through the inner walls. She called 911 and made them aware of where she was, but she could not be rescued and perished. Carmen was born on October 31, 1969. Her father, Robert Slice, and two brothers survived Carmen. She was employed as an analyst with SCANA Marketing.

"Carmen was always 'up & up', cheerful, and very supportive," Mark said. "I loved her very much and she was the most important part of my life."

During their courtship, Mark began collecting HarbourLights and Carmen began to collect Sheila's houses.

After they both met Bill and Nancy Younger at a signing, Carmen also began buying Harbour Lights. She was very impressed by Bill and his ease of talking with people and his sense of humor (which she referred to as his 'character'.)

Carmen and Mark visited Tybee Island lighthouse several times and it was one of their favorite places near one of their favorite towns - Savannah.

A number of individuals from the Forums have been instrumental in starting a Memorial to Carmen Slice and we are seeking contributions from other HarbourLights collectors, Collector Forum members, and lighthouse enthusiasts. We have contacted Cullen Chambers, Director of the Tybee Island Historical Society and leader of the restoration of Tybee Island Lighthouse, about an appropriate remembrance of Carmen. Cullen was very moved by our efforts and saddened by Carmen's death and will use donations in her name to include a 'brick' in the walkway near the lighthouse and include her name on a bronze plaque to mark the contributions to the restoration of Tybee Island.

The Brick will be 'engraved'

In Memory of
Carmen Slice

All funds to be collected will be donated to the Tybee Island Historical Society in the memory of Carmen Slice. Joanne Sinatra has agreed to act as temporary treasurer to accept your donations and to forward a single check to the Tybee Island Historical Society.

Cullen Chambers will notify Mark Lutton and Robert Slice when the dedication of the plaque and walkway take place and invite them to the dedication. In addition, both Mark and Mr. Slice will receive a Harbour Lights sculpture of the renovated Tybee Island Lighthouse, courtesy of the Tybee Island Historical Society.

If you'd like to send a card with your donation, you can do so and the cards will be forwarded to Mark Lutton. All individuals who make a contribution will be recognized by a letter from Cullen Chambers… to Mark and to Robert Slice, Carmen's father. If you would like to post a message here whether you send a donation or not, a print out of this thread will also be sent to Mark and Mr. Slice.

We'd like to complete this memorial and close out this thread by the end of September 2000. Please send your donation prior to 9/30/2000 to:

Joanne Sinatra
2534 Fabry Circle
Orlando, FL 32817

Make your check payable to Joanne Sinatra. If you mail a card for Mark and/or donation, please include your email address so Joanne can acknowledge receipt. Joanne will post the total collected for the Carmen Slice Memorial as the deadline approaches.

Individuals who have participated in developing this remembrance include (in alphabetical order):

Maureen Atwell
Paul L. Brady
John Chidester
Dave Hannum
Joanne Sinatra
Stephen Sosteric
Deb Weissler